Can You Make Money Order With Credit Card : How To Transfer A Money Order To A Prepaid Credit Card Online - Your best bet is to pay for the money order in some other way rather than using a credit card to make the purchase.
Can You Make Money Order With Credit Card : How To Transfer A Money Order To A Prepaid Credit Card Online - Your best bet is to pay for the money order in some other way rather than using a credit card to make the purchase. . Several financial institutions do accept credit card payments for money orders while others do not. But the most advisable way of finding it out, whether you can buy a money order with a credit card or not, is to ask the official expert of the respective financial institution before buying the credit card. Decide on the money order amount. Unlike checks, money orders can never bounce, making them a safer option for many establishments will ask you to pay for the money order in cash. Part of a series on financial services. Money orders can be purchased via debit card and cash only. In other words, you can produce a card completely independent of your original credit card information and use this card for. You can buy money orders at a variety of ...